BSH: Accounts Analysis End of Year June 2021

On Thursday Birmingham Sports Holdings announced to shareholders the end of year accounts for the company for the year ending June 30, 2021. The accounts reflect a year where the business has been hit by the coronavirus pandemic with revenues vastly reduced. However, the sale of Jude Bellingham in particular ensured that the company were able to reduce losses to a more manageable level.

BSH: Debt Transactions

With the football season pretty much over, I wanted to turn my attention back to the ownership of Birmingham City. Although the departure of Ren Xuandong from his roles as CEO and Director of the club has been welcomed almost universally by Blues fans, I think there are still some reservations over how the ownership of the club will run the club going forward.

BSH: Stadium Sale

Birmingham Sports Holdings announced to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Wednesday afternoon that it had agreed to sell off its remaining 75% stake in Birmingham City Stadium Ltd. The sale passes St Andrew’s Stadium into the hands of a British Virgin Islands investment vehicle – and further muddies the water of how the club is run.

BSH: EGM To Confirm Partial Sale of BCFC Announced

Birmingham Sports Holdings confirmed in an announcement on Monday to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange the date of an Extraordinary General Meeting to approve the partial sale of BCFC to Oriental Rainbows Ltd. The sale would see Chinese-Cambodian businessman Vong Pech become the largest shareholder in the club.

BSH: Accounts Analysis

Birmingham Sports Holdings released their accounts for the year ending June 30, 2020 on Wednesday afternoon. The results confirmed that once again the company had made a loss – although not as great as in previous years. However, coronavirus has clearly had an impact with massively increased borrowing.

Coronavirus and BCFC Part II – Finances

Lockdown has entered its seventh week in the UK and the football authorities are still no nearer in working out how to complete the 2019/2020 season. As a consequence, football clubs are facing harder and harder decisions regarding how to sort out their finances, with some having to resort to using the government’s furlough scheme.

BSH: Accounts Analysis February 2020

Birmingham Sports Holdings announced to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange their interim accounts for the six-month period ending December 31, 2019 on Friday. While these accounts are unaudited and are for the entire parent company rather than the club they do give us something of an insight into how things are going with the club this season.

BSH: AGM Answers

Birmingham Sports Holdings today held their Annual General Meeting in Hong Kong to approve their accounts and re-elect directors to the board.

BCFC: Debt and Sustainability

As we heard into December, It won’t be long before the accounts for Birmingham City FC will be published at Companies House. These accounts will give a full insight into the financial situation of the club at the start of this season and should help us understand just how much money the club can spend this winter.

BSH: Lottery Win II

Birmingham Sports Holdings made an announcement to the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong yesterday to clarify their acquisition of a Chinese lottery company. The announcement cleared up some of the confusion re prior connections between the holding company and the lottery firm, as well as offering more insight into how BSH are going to make money from the project.