The Elusive Mr King Part XIII – The Smoking Gun

Radio Free Asia reporter Jack Adamović Davies published a huge investigative report into Wang Yaohui – also known as the elusive Mr King – on Monday night. The report confirms that conclusive proof exists showing that Wang is the beneficial owner of one shareholder in Birmingham Sports Holdings and is a close familial link to Vong Pech. It also goes into detail about Wang’s connections in Cambodia and Cyprus and the legal troubles he is facing.

The Elusive Mr King Part X – Cambodia

Last month I wrote about the family connections between the elusive Mr King, Wang Yaohui and Vong Pech, who has the largest financial interest in Birmingham City. Feedback from that article suggests there is still some confusion as to just who this Mr King guy is, and why I’ve dedicated so much of my time to uncovering connections between him and the titular shareholders of Birmingham Sports Holding. In this article I’m hoping to rectify that somewhat.

The Elusive Mr King Part VIII

On Friday, Birmingham Sports Holdings made an announcement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that they had issued just over a billion new shares in the company to repay debts to two third party lenders. An investigation into the two companies and their owners has shown that both companies are connected both to the elusive Mr King, Wang Yaohui.

BCFC Ownership: A Spaghetti Junction Problem

The recent partial sale of Birmingham City to investment vehicle Oriental Rainbow Investments along with the recent share subscription completed by Birmingham Sports Holdings has complicated the question of who actually owns the club a little bit further. As the structure of the ownership of the club becomes more Byzantine, it’s become increasingly difficult for fans to understand.

The Elusive Mr King Part VII

Previously on this website I’ve written an occasional series of articles regarding Wang Yaohui or “Mr King”. In the last few months I’ve been looking at Wang’s business dealings in the UK to understand fully his modus operandi and wealth.

The Elusive Mr King – Part VI

Over the last ten months I have written an occasional series about “Mr King” aka Wang Yaohui. I’ve written about his past and his connections with various entities who have loaned money and gained stock in Birmingham Sports Holdings. In this article, I’m exploring what Wang has been up to of late and his connections to Cambodia.

HK: The Elusive Mr King Part V

Previously on I’ve written about a group of large shareholders in Birmingham Sports Holdings I’ve termed “The Faceless Four”. Today I have spent time investigating two of those shareholders to find out more about them and who they are.

BSH: The Elusive Mr King – Part 4

Previously on, I have written about Wang Yaohui aka “Mr King” and his connections with various shareholders in Birmingham Sports Holdings along with the company chairman Zhao Wenqing.

BSH: The Elusive Mr King – Pt 3

Birmingham Sports Holdings today made an announcement to the stock exchange of Hong Kong clarifying the recent investments made by Chigwell Holdings and Dragon Villa. In what was an extraordinarily detailed announcement, it was confirmed money loaned by those two companies was used to finance the football club.