BSH: Not The Announcement You Are Looking For

As the Laurence Bassini and Keith Harris-led takeover “deadline” of June 30 came and went, Birmingham Sports Holdings did in fact make an announcement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. However, rather than inform shareholders that it was selling the club, the only news BSH had the was departure of director Hsiao Charng Geng.

BSH: Announcement Analysis

The first official communication that a partial takeover of Birmingham City is underway was made yesterday as Birmingham Sports Holdings made a voluntary announcement to the stock exchange. The announcement confirmed that BSH had been informed by Vong Pech that he was selling his 21.64% stake in Birmingham City plc.

BSH: Accounts Analysis Feb 2022 – Vong Pech and Debt

Birmingham Sports Holding Ltd announced their interim results to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange yesterday following a board meeting held by the company. The results, which are unaudited, cover the six month period to December 31, 2021.

BSH: Stadium Sale

Birmingham Sports Holdings announced to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on Wednesday afternoon that it had agreed to sell off its remaining 75% stake in Birmingham City Stadium Ltd. The sale passes St Andrew’s Stadium into the hands of a British Virgin Islands investment vehicle – and further muddies the water of how the club is run.

The Elusive Mr King Part VIII

On Friday, Birmingham Sports Holdings made an announcement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that they had issued just over a billion new shares in the company to repay debts to two third party lenders. An investigation into the two companies and their owners has shown that both companies are connected both to the elusive Mr King, Wang Yaohui.

BSH: Partial Sale Approved

The sale of 21.64% of Birmingham City plc was approved by shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting of Birmingham Sports Holdings yesterday morning in Hong Kong.

BSH: EGM To Confirm Partial Sale of BCFC Announced

Birmingham Sports Holdings confirmed in an announcement on Monday to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange the date of an Extraordinary General Meeting to approve the partial sale of BCFC to Oriental Rainbows Ltd. The sale would see Chinese-Cambodian businessman Vong Pech become the largest shareholder in the club.

BSH: Annual Report

Birmingham Sports Holdings produced their annual report on Thursday, covering the year to June 30, 2020. The glossy 162-page brochure is published to give shareholders information on the company including the recent accounts published along with some further detail.

HK: Paul Suen Fined HK$900,000

The Market Misconduct Tribunal sanctioned Paul Suen Cho Hung along with five fellow former directors of CMBC Capital Holdings Ltd on Friday for insider trading. At the hearing held last week, Suen admitted negligent conduct that resulted in CMBC Capital’s breach of requirements of the corporate disclosure regime and was fined HK$900,000.

BCFC: Who is Vong Pech pt 2

Following news breaking on Friday regarding a sale of a slice of Birmingham City to Chinese-born Cambodian businessman Vong Pech, there have been many questions online about the purchaser’s identity. Who is Vong Pech, how much money does he have and why does he want to buy this stake in the club?